As winter began to close in on the southern-most regions of Canada, temperatures began a steady crawl downwards, rains turned icy, and Canadians broke out the fleece, boots and layered up. But farther north, much farther north, along the shores of James Bay, the Florida-shaped extension of Hudson Bay that drives deep into …
I know many pilots who fly with Air Canada – some for thirty or more years. Sometimes, I would ask one of them: “Do you know my friend Jeff Foss?”, “Have you ever paired with an old buddy of mine, Karl Kjarsgaard?”, “Did you ever run into a guy named Dave Hadfield?” Inevitably, the answer is no….
BUSH BABY — Recovering a Classic from the Wilds of Quebec
In the summer of 2004 during a routine flight to Northern Québec, Patrick Cloutier, a bush pilot for Aventures Norpaq, noticed a familiar shape of an airplane reflecting from the vast plain of sub-arctic wilderness…
IT’S A NICE DAY FOR FLYING — the Jack Lamb Story
The great sweep of the Canadian North lay largely unreachable and uninhabited up until the coming of the aeroplane. Small isolated communities clinging to existence beneath thousand foot cliffs at the very edge …
On July 28, 1949 three passengers climbed aboard a Grumman G21A Goose at Montreal for a 19-day journey around Quebec and Labrador. The flight plan included more than a dozen stops…
Warbird Relic Hunters of the Wild West
There are many things that make up the recipe for the heady cocktail that is powered or unpowered flight – history, technology, speed, brotherhood or perhaps the extreme test of human reflex …
BARRENS AIRFIELD — Building a Flying Outpost
This story details my adventure at Hopes Advance Bay, a tidal bay on the west side of Ungava Bay in the extreme northern province of Québec, Canada during July–October 1956. It was merely a spot on …
During the long and endless months of the Second World War, Canadian skies from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia to Vancouver Island resounded with the bellow and drone of aircraft engines and, for those who lived in the flatter parts of the land, there was the daily…