Baby Flattops of the Royal Navy’s Ruler Class
While the big fleet carries all the glory, the Royal Navy’s carriers did yoeman service protecting convoys, fighting enemy in the Atlantic and Pacific Theatres, ferrying aircraft, and repatriating servicemen and prisoners of war…
Coupable! (Guilty)
By 1949, airline travel around the world was no longer the realm of the very rich or famous, nor was it considered dangerous by the general public as it had been in the 1920s and 30s. Airlines around the globe were expanding and adding new...
Polka Dot Warriors – The Assembly Ships of the Mighty Eighth
Somewhere over Southern England, the crew of a fully bombed-up, four-engined Consolidated B-24J Liberator by the name of You Can’t Take it With You beats its way through low clouds on a hot hazy day...
War Pigeon
For as long as humans have, in their infinitely selfish wisdom, found it necessary to go to war, they have also conscripted innocent and unwitting animals to accompany them into their war hells—to carry their equipment, to support their…
The High Flight Harvards
A few years back, we put together a story about the portraits of Royal Air Force fighter pilots by the outstanding Second World War artists Cuthbert Orde and Erik Kennington. One of those hundreds of portraits stood out from the...
The Hero Around the Corner
It’s springtime in the Glebe. May 14th to be exact. The sun shines with a new intensity. The breeze billows through the screen window of my office, wafting paper across my desk. It was a particularly tough winter but the pain of it is soothed by a fine evening. …