Dave O'Malley Dave O'Malley

Premiers vols à Ottawa

L’historique de chaque ville du monde reconnaît le jour où est arrivé en soufflant le premier train à vapeur, où l’électricité a éclairé pour la première fois l’une de ses rues, où une automobile est apparue en effrayant le bétail. Peu après, un premier appareil plus lourd que l’air chancelant prend son envolée et franchit la dernière frontière, celle du le ciel.

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Dave O'Malley Dave O'Malley

First Flights of Ottawa — Episode One

Every town in the world has, in its recorded history, a particular day when the first puffing steam train arrived, when electricity first illuminated one of its streets, when a motorcar first appeared to scare the livestock, or when the first wobbly flight was made in that last of frontiers — the sky above.

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Dave O'Malley Dave O'Malley


After many technical and administrative flaming hoops were jumped through and after a prodigious amount of last minute assistance from the Vintage Wings maintenance team, it was finally time to light…

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Dave O'Malley Dave O'Malley

FAIR CHILD — Our newest baby is airborne

Isn't she lovely... Isn't she beautiful... Isn't she precious?” So goes the happy and proud lyrics of Stevie Wonder's song about his new born baby girl. Well, we feel the same way about …

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Dave O'Malley Dave O'Malley

STRINGBAG — A First Flight

Once again, Gatineau Executive Airport in beautiful Québec, Canada was the site of an historic flight. After nearly five years in the overhaul abyss, the hearty Bristol Pegasus engine powering the Vintage Wings of Canada Fairey Swordfish…

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