Join us, Saturday January 22, 2022, for our Annual General Meeting.
The formal meeting portion (AGM) will be held at 10:00 am. All members, volunteers and friends are welcome. Please note do to ongoing changes related to Covid-19, the meeting may be switched to a virtual platform.
Vous êtes conviés, le samedi, 22 janvier 2021 prochain, à notre assemblée générale annuelle des membres. L'assemblée officielle (AGA) débutera à 10h00. Tous les membres, bénévoles et amis sont les bienvenus. Veuillez noter que la réunion peut être changé en une plate-forme virtuelle.
The all-volunteer Vintage Wings of Canada Foundation cannot run without its membership. The Annual General Meeting gives you a snapshot of the year just past plus the outlook for the coming year — events, developments, fund-raising and more. It’s your time to voice your concerns, volunteer for work, meet the area leaders, vote for your leaders and even run for office as a member of the Board of Directors. We are looking for people who can contribute their time and energy to help the foundation educate, commemorate and inspire present and future generation. If you are a present member of the Vintage Wings of Canada Foundation or wish to join, renew your dues or hang out with like-0minded people, this is a great opportunity.
Where: Vintage Wings of Canada hangar at the Gatineau-Ottawa Executive Airport, 1699 Rue Arthur Fecteau